Week 1

 1. Intruduction

Our group project id to build an aoutmatic solar tracker by using Arduino Nano, which can keep the platform with solar panels facing the sun or light source at all times.

The system senses the position of the light source through several photosensitive resistors, when the solar panel is not facing the light source, the photoresistor will output a different amount of current, the collected current data can reflect the position relationship between the solar panel and the light source, thus control servo motor drive flat belt rotation.

2. Disscussion

In the first week disscussion, because we have not get the components yet, so the software part and how to maximize the current difference between the various photosensitive resistors are discussed.

Finally, we came up the idear like the picture below:

 In the picture the red dots represent photosensitive resistors, the gray area in the middle represents the solar panel, and the yellow area around it represents the shade panel. By using the shade panel we can mank the current difference between photoresistors is even greater, which can make the light source tracking is more accurate.

3. Next week

For the week ahead, we will cheak the components, and try point-building and software development.



week 4

week 2